Availability: 3rd Party - See info. notify me


Price: FREE

Product and Shipping Protection

Extend partners with leading underwriters to cover your products and get the best policy rates for you and your customers. Customers enjoy speedy claim processing, access to exceptional live customer care, and best-in-class product protection.

  • Sync Catalog Intervals and Options - Login to Extend and sync your catalog automatically or manually.
  • Theme customization - Customize your theme with merge code messaging and warranty addons for your products.
  • Automate Creating Extend Contracts - Create contracts based on order status changes or manually through your order screen.

Learn More about setting up Extend here

Extend helps merchants generate revenue and protect customers from damage and loss through modern product and shipping protection solutions. No cost. Total profit. Win-win.
Extend helps merchants generate revenue and protect customers from damage and loss through modern product and shipping protection solutions. No cost. Total profit. Win-win.

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