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Item #: CartStack


Price: 3rd Party Pricing

Recover 20% of Abandoned Sales with CartStack’s Multichannel Recovery Campaigns

CartStack’s automated sales recovery software combines personalized recovery campaigns with on-site retargeting tools to help you recover abandoned carts and drive new sales.

Once integrated, you’ll begin tracking & recording data on your shoppers in real-time. Then, if they bounce, CartStack automatically adds them to the appropriate recovery campaigns to reengage & recover them.

Multichannel Recovery Campaigns allow for any combination of abandoned cart emails, SMS text message reminders, browse abandonment emails and web push notifications to recover lost sales.

On-site Retargeting Campaigns monitor your visitors, presenting exit intent & timed offers to capture contact data for your recovery campaigns while simultaneously improving your conversion rate in real-time.


  • Remarket to your highest-intent customers directly in their inbox with automated & super-personalized Abandoned Cart Emails. A/B split test email content to find the perfect messaging, and even recommend similar products for quick upsells & cross-selling.
  • Complement your abandoned cart emails with gentle SMS Text Reminders sent directly to your abandoners’ cell inbox for quick & easy engagement. They’re unignorable, and the best way to stand out from the crowded email inbox.
  • Browse Abandonment Emails let you send reminders to your window shoppers to encourage reengagement with your brand & generate sales from website visitors who don’t add anything to their shopping cart.
  • Build a pool of cookied, engaged shoppers that actually want to hear from you with Web Push Notifications! These clickable reminders reengage your visitors where they spend the most time – Browsing on their cell phone or desktop. No need to worry about GDPR compliance, open rate, bounces or spam filters!
  • The instant a shopper shows signs of trying to leave your site, CartStack will present an Exit Intent Popup with an enticing offer, newsletter subscription, contest, discount incentives to disrupt their exit and/or drive leads for your email campaigns.
  • Since CartStack sits in the background capturing leads in real time, why not export those contacts for use in future marketing campaigns? With CartStack’s Zapier Integration, you can connect to any major CRM or marketing automation tool (Salesforce, Mailchimp, etc) to automatically import contacts & continue to market to them on an ongoing basis.

Integration with your Americommerce store takes only minutes! Click here to learn how to install CartStack on your AmeriCommerce online store.

Ready to stop losing revenue? Sign up for a free trial and use CartStack free for 14 days, or until you've recovered $1,000 ... whichever takes longer!

CartStack is a software as a service solution that allows any company with an ecommerce site or reservation system to increase revenue through reminding/encouraging consumers to return to their abandoned cart and complete their purchase.

Between CartStack’s cart & browse abandonment email campaigns, and other conversion enhancing tools accessible to its users, ecommerce businesses can expect to recover 15% or more of lost revenue from abandoned visitors

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