Yotpo helps AmeriCommerce store owners generate a ton of product
reviews which we help you use to drive new traffic and sales through social,
email and other channels. Yotpo is easy to install and free.
Try Yotpo.
It's Free.
Yotpo lets you:
Generate more reviews. Our Mail After Purchase feature automatically emails your
shoppers to encourage them to leave review, which they can do directly from
within the e-mail. Where the industry average for reviewers is 1-2% of
customers, Yotpo gets reviews from 8-10% of your shoppers.
Turn visitors into shoppers. Nothing helps convert unsure visitors into
confident shoppers better than trustworthy product reviews. Reviewer badges
allow visitors to see that the person who wrote the review actually purchased
the product from you. With Yotpo you can display your product and site reviews
in a simple and fully-customizable format.
Enhance your social marketing.Yotpo allows you to easily post your reviews to your store's
Facebook and Twitter accounts. This helps you show off your reviews, build your
online community and drive shoppers to your site.
Increase SEO. Search engines love User Generated Content like your shoppers'
reviews. We offer a dedicated minisite to each of our users, where we present
all the reviews that a shop generates, in static html. This greatly increases
your free account with Yotpo today and start generating more reviews than ever
Please note. Yotpo does not support multistore at this time.